Enjoy the view from Front Row Center as host Mike Bolton delves into Osvaldo Golijov’s 21st-century masterpiece, Ainadamar, which centers on the life, death, and impact of Spanish poet and playwright, Federico García Lorca. Yale University professor Dr. Noël Valis discusses Lorca’s life, death, and impact and her new book Lorca After Life, award-winning costume designer Richard St. Clair talks about the 19th-Century Spanish heroine Mariana Pineda, while Founder and Artistic Director of the Pasión y Arte flamenco dance ensemble Elba Hevía y Vaca shares the keys of the flamenco dance form and Lorca’s impact on it. Finally, mezzo-soprano Daniela Mack talks about preparing the role of Lorca for Detroit Opera’s current production of Ainadamar.
You can listen to the podcast here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/frc-s1e3-golijovs-ainadamar/id1648198356?i=1000608016036