Remembering Lorca at 125
Federico García Lorca was born on this day, June 5, 1898, in Fuente Vaqueros. A legendary poet-playwright from the Generation of 27, he was profoundly affected by his experiences in New York City and Cuba in 1929-30. A fervent supporter of Spain’s Second Republic, he was murdered on August 18, 1936 by the Nationalist forces.
Learn more about his life and legacy from our ALBA Pride Month Book Talk: Lorca After Life
Wednesday, June 21 - 3 PM EST / 12 PM PST
Featuring Author Noël Valis
In Conversation With Professor Jeffrey Zamostny
Co-sponsored by
University of West Georgia School of the Arts
Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Yale University
Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Yale University
Learn More and Buy the Book Here
Noël Valis teaches at Yale University and writes on modern Spanish literature, culture, and history, with books on the Spanish Civil War, bad taste and class in modern Spain, and religion and literature. She is the author of twenty-eight books, including Sacred Realism: Religion and the Imagination in Modern Spanish Narrative, Teaching Representations of the Spanish Civil War and The Culture of Cursilería: Bad Taste, Kitsch and Class in Modern Spain. She has also written a book of poetry, My House Remembers Me, a novella, The Labor of Longing and translations of the poetry of Noni Benegas.
Jeffrey Zamostny is Professor of Spanish and Director of the Office of Undergraduate Research at the University of West Georgia. His research examines questions of gender, sexuality, celebrity, and fandom in early twentieth-century Spain. He is co-editor with Susan Larson of Kiosk Literature of Silver Age Spain: Modernity and Mass Culture and with Dolores Romero López of Towards the Digital Cultural History of the Other Silver Age Spain. He also translated Elena Fortún’s novel Hidden Path.
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