Matthew Tanico (PhD 2017, Spanish and Renaissance Studies) has embarked on the first-step of his career as a Visiting Assistant Professor at New York University. He joined...
An initiative supported by the Humanities/Humanity Program of the Whitney Humanities Center, this collaborative research project seeks to enlarge the received idea of...
Noël Valis, professor of Spanish in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, has won the Victoria Urbano Academic Achievement Award (Premio Victoria Urbano de Reconocimiento...
Amigos, happy to announce that this weekend photojournalist Joe Cromer and I won an Emmy Award from the Lower Great Lakes chapter for “The 71 Year Journey to Bring a World...
Congratulations to Wan Tang (Ph.D., 2012) (Boston College) for winning the Rodolfo Cardona Prize for her article, “La princesa, el granuja y el obrero condenado: El retrato...
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Book presentation of the Pedro Badanelli novel, Serenata del amor triunfante, on March 16, 2017.
View a two minute clip here!
Read more about the presentation in Cirqulo...