The Bildner Prizes
The Department of Spanish and Portuguese is pleased to celebrate the 48th anniversary of the Albert Bildner, Yale Class of 1937, Prizes in Latin American Languages and Literatures for undergraduates in Yale College.
Four prizes of $500 will be awarded for high achievement in the Spanish and Portuguese languages and in Latin American Literature.
1. In honor of Professor José Juan Arrom (Yale, ‘37), Professor of Spanish and Latin American Literature at Yale from 1945 to 1975. For an outstanding essay to be written in acceptable Spanish on any subject in Latin American Literature; it will be judged mainly for the originality and importance of the ideas presented therein. All undergraduates studying Spanish at Yale are eligible to compete. The deadline for submitting appropriate projects is Thursday, April 18, 2024. For more information, please contact Prof. Lisa Voigt (DUS, Spanish). Please submit your project to her at
2. In memory of Patricia Bildner. For an outstanding essay written in Portuguese on any subject in Brazilian literature. The paper is to be written in acceptable Portuguese; however, it will be judged mainly for the originality and importance of the ideas presented therein. All undergraduates studying Portuguese are eligible to compete. The deadline for submitting appropriate projects is Thursday, April 18, 2024. For more information, please contact Prof. K. David Jackson (DUS, Portuguese). Please submit your project to him at
3. To that graduating senior who has achieved a high academic average in Spanish courses, and has also demonstrated the greatest development in his or her knowledge of the Spanish language and Hispanic literature since beginning the study of Spanish at Yale. The student must have taken a satisfactory number of courses in Spanish language and Hispanic literature. For more information, please contact Prof. Lisa Voigt (DUS, Spanish).
4. In honor of Prof. K. David Jackson, the Brazil prize is awarded to a graduating senior who has achieved a high academic average in Portuguese courses, and has also demonstrated the greatest development in his or her knowledge of the Portuguese language and Luso-Brazilian literature at Yale. The student must have taken a satisfactory number of courses in Portuguese language and in Luso-Brazilian literature. For more information, please contact Prof. K. David Jackson (DUS, Portuguese).
The Albert Bildner Travel prize of $500 to $900, administered by the Council of Latin American and Iberian Studies (CLAIS), Yale Center for International and Area Studies. Open to third year undergraduate students only, the Bildner Prize supports travel to Latin America or the Caribbean for summer research related to the undergraduate senior essay. The project proposal must be written in both English and Spanish or Portuguese. For details, please visit or contact CLAIS, MacMillan Hall, Room 342, at 2-3422.
The Jaime Yordán Prize, For an outstanding essay to be written in Spanish on any subject in Spanish Literature and/or culture. The paper is to be written in acceptable Spanish; however, it will be judged mainly for the originality and importance of the ideas presented therein. All undergraduates studying Spanish at Yale are eligible to compete.
The Yordán Prize of $500 has been allocated from an endowment established by Jaime Yordán in the name of his teacher, Roberto González Echevarría, to support the Department of Spanish and Portuguese. Jaime was a student at Yale from 2011 to 2013. Prior to that he was a Managing Director at JPMorgan & Co. and a General Partner; he later became a Managing Director at Goldman, Sachs & Co. At JP Morgan, he worked on the Mexico business and at Goldman, he was in charge of the Latin American investment banking business.
His undergraduate studies were at Hamilton College where he majored in Modern Languages, including Spanish. He joined Hamilton’s Board of Trustees in 1993 and chaired the Board’s Committee on Instruction. He is currently Emeritus Trustee of the College.
The deadline for submitting appropriate projects is Thursday, April 18, 2024.
For more information, please contact Lisa Voigt (DUS, Spanish). Please submit your project to her at
The Christopher Jadwin Ballantyne Travel Prize, In honor of Christopher Ballantyne (’82), an artist, musician, and world traveler who spent his early years in Rio de Janeiro. Christopher died unexpectedly in 2017 at age 59. The prize was established in his honor by his father, Robert Ballantyne (’49), his sisters, brother and their families, and close friends. Christopher was a gifted linguist with a degree from the Instituto Universitário de Pesquisas (Rio de Janeiro) and an M.A. in Portuguese and Brazilian literatures from the University of Texas at Austin, where he studied with Prof. K. David Jackson. He had been working at Georgetown University in instructional technology at the Law Center.
For an undergraduate or graduate research project including literature or linguistics, to be conducted in Brazil during a summer (minimum 8 weeks) or a semester study abroad. Applicants should submit a formal proposal, document language competency, Yale transcript, a CV and two letters of recommendation.
The deadline for submitting appropriate projects is Thursday, April 18, 2024. For more information, please contact Prof. K. David Jackson (DUS, Portuguese). Please submit your project to him at
The deadline for submitting all projects is Thursday, April 18, 2024. Please disregard any online application forms and submit directly to the appropriate DUS via email.
For more information, please contact Lisa Voigt (DUS, Spanish), Prof. K. David Jackson (DUS, Portuguese), or Julia DiVincenzo, Registrar, at