The major in Spanish is a liberal arts major that offers a wide range of courses in the language, literatures, and cultures of the twenty Spanish-speaking countries in Europe and Latin America. Today Spanish is the second language of the United States, one of the three most widely spoken languages in the world, and one of the five diplomatic languages of the United Nations. The program in Spanish provides students with the opportunity to acquire thorough linguistic proficiency as well as in-depth knowledge of cultural and literary topics. The Spanish major opens up a world of literature, history, philosophy, art and culture, and is an excellent preparation for careers in law, diplomacy, medicine, business, the arts, academics, journalism, and education. Students may also select Spanish as one of two majors, and should consult with the DUS about a specialized course of study.
Course Registration Information
University Registration Resources
Study Abroad and Summer Session Information
Requirements for the major
Prerequisite: SPAN 140, 142, 145, or equivalent.
Number of courses: Ten term courses beyond the prerequisite (including the senior requirement).
Specific requirements:
- SPAN 250
- Two courses numbered SPAN 260-270
- 3 courses numbered SPAN 300 or higher
- 3 courses numbered SPAN 200 or higher, or a first-year seminar in Spanish
SPAN 491
* All courses must be taught in Spanish; one relevant course taught in another language besides Spanish may be approved by the DUS.
* Up to four approved courses taken abroad may count toward the major.
Intensive major Students in the intensive major fulfill the requirements for the standard major, and take two additional courses numbered SPAN 300 or higher.
Senior Requirement
Seniors complete the senior project in SPAN 491 in the spring of their senior year under the individual direction of a faculty adviser. Students expecting to complete their degree requirements in December complete the senior project in SPAN 491 in the fall of their senior year.
Seniors in SPAN 491 are expected to submit their completed senior project for the Spanish major to the DUS by 4 p.m. on December 9th, 2024, in the fall term, or by 4 p.m. on April 14th, 2025, in the spring term. If the essay is submitted late without an excuse from the student’s residential college dean, the penalty is one letter grade, though no essay that would otherwise pass will be failed because it is late.