Floating Wheat, Naughty Brothers and Cunning Snakes: Midrashic Tales in the Old Spanish Bible of Moshe Arragel

Luis M. Girón Negrón

Professor of Comparative Literature and Romance Languages and Literatures

Harvard University

Prof. Girón Negrón is the author of Visión Deleytable: Philosophical Rationalism and the Religious Imagination in 15th Century Spain (Leiden: Brill, 2001) and Las Coplas de Yosef: Entre la Biblia y el Midrash en la poesía judeoespañola (Madrid: Gredos, 2006-with Laura Minervini). He also has a forthcoming book entitled El envés de lo inefable: cuatro estudios de literatura mística. His talk derives from materials researched for an annotated edition and study of the 15th century Arragel Bible—an Old Spanish translation and commentary of the Hebrew Bible—which he is preparing in collaboration with two Iberian colleagues and with the generous support of an ACLS Fellowship.

Reception to follow

Event time: 
Thursday, September 27, 2018 - 4:00pm
Romance Languages Lounge See map
82-90 Wall St., 3rd floor