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Department of Spanish and Portuguese
Sigma Delta Pi
Opening Year Celebration
Opening Year Celebration
September 2015
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João Guimarães Rosa: The Streaming Matter of Narrative
"Navigating the Academic Job Market"
Information Session for Portuguese Major and Study Abroad
Information Session for Spanish Major and Study Abroad
The Aesthetics of Youth in Modernist Spain
Invisible Immigrants
Silenced Keys to Literary and Musical Interplays
Stephanie Rohner: Graduate Student Series
Summer Session in Bilbao, Spain, July 2017
Summer Session in Valencia, Spain, July, 2017
Summer Session in Paraty & Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July, 2017
The Albert Bildner Prizes, May 2017
Professor Noël Valis's Induction Ceremony into La Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española (ANLE), March 2017
Professor K. David Jackson receives Vasco da Gama Medal, December 2016
Summer Session in Brazil, July 2016
Summer Session in Valencia, Spain, July 2016
Summer Session in Lima, Perú, July 2016
Summer Session in Bilbao, Spain, July 2016
The Albert Bildner Prizes, May 2016
Department Events, 2014-2016
Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, April 2016
Cervantes, la lectura interminable, March 2016
Opening Year Celebration, September 2015
Yale Commencement, May 2015
The Albert Bildner Prizes, May 2015
Summer Session in Lima, Peru, July 2013
The Albert Bildner Prizes, May 2013
Professor Roberto González Echevarría receives National Humanities Medal, March 2011
Spring Film Series Schedule
The Many Facets of the Work of Machado de Assis
The Poet in Painting
Veronica Mayer: Graduate Student Series
Juan Pablo Rodríguez Argente del Castillo: Graduate Student Series
Jose Martínez Milantchi: Graduate Student Series
The Literary Legacy of Álvaro Mutis: Colombia Lecture Series
María Gracia Ríos: Graduate Student Series
Portrait of A Pilgram
Theorizing Race Relations in Renaissance Europe
Diego Del Río Arrillaga: Graduate Student Series
La literatura Andalusí popular y la ficción castellana
The Labor of Longing (A Novella) by Noël Valis
The Spanish Craze
Guillén Landrián: cine, poesía y delirio
Latino & Iberian Film Festival at Yale
Matthew Tanico: Graduate Student Series
Spring 2017 Lectures
Stephanie Rohner: Graduate Student Series
Spanish Study Abroad Information Session
Summer Program-Brazil 2017
"El documental de investigación como herramienta de reparación de las víctimas del franquismo. Memoria histórica y ausencia de políticas públicas en España"
"Imaginary labor: Los trabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda"
"The Afterlife of Images" by Maria Gabriela Nouzeilles
Between Genres between Languages: Fernando Pessoa's Makers
Beyond the Hyphen: Writers of Japanese Descent in Argentina
Bilingual Poetry Reading by Brazilian Poet Salgado Maranhao and Translator Alexis Levitin
Borges and the Muse
Cómo se hace un escritor: Flaubert y Mario Vargas Llosa
El Silencio Elocuente De La Poesía Española Escrita Por Mujeres
El tal de Shaibedraa' (Quijote I, 40)
La polis literaria. La Revolución, el boom y otras polémicas de la Guerra Fría
Lecture by Professor Michelle Murray
Lecture by Professor Patricia Keller
Moving the Plot Forward in Iberian Studies: Memory, Subjectivity, Futurity
New Christians, New Jews, New Italians. Iberians of Jewish Origin in Early Modern Italy
On the Very Idea of Translating Cultures: What Literature Can Tell Us About Conceptual Schemas
Os pequenos naturalistas brasileiros, 1880-90
Portuguese Study Abroad Information Session
Sarah Glenski: Graduate Student Series
The Art of Verbivocovisual Creation: Augusto de Campos’ Poetics
The Colonial Carceral Archipelago: The Failed Rebirth of the Spanish Empire
The End of the World: Towards a Cosmopolitanism of Loss
The Sensuous Sentiment of the Heart: Saudade and Medieval Portuguese Poetics
US-BRAZIL Studies Roundtable
“‘Casa tomada’: (Re)possession and (Re)conciliation with the Diaspora in Cuba’s Cultural Imaginary”