Digital Editions (Virtual)
Instructor: Alexander Gil Fuentes (Columbia)
Format/Location: Zoom: If you missed registration or did not receive the link in your email, please email for the link.
In this four week workshop series, participants will build their own critical edition using minimal computing principles. The course will include weekly readings, but the “seminar” portion will be optional and conducted at leisure on group chat. The course will introduce a broad number of concepts and debates in critical editing. In the process of applying those concepts using our modern tools, participants will learn the fundamentals of computations and networks, data preparation and management, static site generation, and version control. The result will be a durable minimal digital edition—a reading text with critical footnotes. This workshop assumes no previous familiarity with computational methods.
Four sessions;
Wednesday, October 27, 2:30-4:30
Wednesday, November 3, 2:30-4:30
Wednesday, November 10, 2:30-4:30
Wednesday, November 17, 2:30-4:30
Doctoral and Professional Workshop Schedule