Book Publishing in Latin America (View Syllabus)
Format/Location: In-person / HQ 207
Instructor: Dr. Cristóbal Pera. Dr. Pera is a renowned editor who has until recently been working with Penguin Random House, directing the Vintage Español imprint.
This seminar will explore the intersection between literature and publishing industry in Spanish, and more specifically in Latin America and the United States.
Thursday, October 7, 4:00pm-7:00pm
features guest speaker Sandra Cisneros. (guest talk is from 5:00-6:00pm).
Registration required if attending full workshop from 4:00-7:00pm. Register here.
If not attending the full workshop, you may just attend the Zoom talk from 5:00-6:00pm. Email registrar ( for Zoom link.
More info: “The Publishing History of a Literary Life: A Conversation with Sandra Cisneros”