Noël Valis, Professor
Noël Valis has written on the literature, culture, and history of modern Spain; the Spanish Civil War; religion and literature; Federico García Lorca; and the study of celebrity and cultural icons. Her work in women’s and gender studies was recognized with the Victoria Urbano Academic Achievement Prize. A Corresponding Member of the Royal Spanish Academy and past member of the NEH’s National Council on the Humanities, she is also the recipient of Fulbright, Guggenheim, and NEH/National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowships. She served as President of the Asociación Internacional de Galdosistas/International Association of Galdós Scholars in 2021-23.
Lorca After Life, 2022 (2023 PROSE Award for Literature, Association of American Publishers)
Realismo sagrado, 2017
The Labor of Longing. A Novella, 2014 (Finalist, Novella and Regional Fiction categories, Next Generation Indie Book Awards, 2015)
La cultura de la cursilería, 2010
Sacred Realism: Religion and the Imagination in Modern Spanish Narrative, 2010
Burning Cartography, translation, 2007 (Best Book Translation Prize, New England Council of Latin American Studies, 2008)
Teaching Representations of the Spanish Civil War, 2007
The Culture of Cursilería: Bad Taste, Kitsch, and Class in Modern Spain, 2002 (Katherine Singer Kovacs Prize, Modern Language Association, 2003)
In the Feminine Mode: Essays on Hispanic Women Writers, 1990
The Novels of Jacinto Octavio Picón, 1986
The Decadent Vision in Leopoldo Alas, 1981